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The universal healthcare which is based on scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods accessible to all the individuals and families in a society. Primary healthcare is an approach to health beyond the traditional healthcare systems. This focuses on health equity and plays a major role in accessing various healthcare services, environmental care and lifestyle. Primary healthcare not only helps in treating the the disease of an individual but also helps in preventing the disease by understanding the individual as a whole.

The branch of study that plays the key role in improving and achieving equity in health for all the people over the entire world and is also concerned with the problems related to the efficiency, effectiveness and behaviour of economics in the production and consumption of the healthcare system. The agencies associated with the global health economics are World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Program (WFP) and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Funds (UNICEF).

The essential healthcare that is universally accessible to all the people in the community and it refers to the care that is required on the basis of the population. Providing mental healthcare services in primary healthcare which involves diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders and ensuring them with the effective and efficient psychosocial and behavioral skills.

The the role is to deal with the health issues of people in the community. The modified healthcare system says that the nurses are perfectly fit to meet the needs of the people in the context of primary healthcare. Nursing care delivery accentuates the care and responsibility of the patients throughout their stay in the particular department or unit.

The disorder of nervous system that leads to the irregularities in Brain, Spinal cord, Nerves and other parts of the body. This further results in a wide range of symptoms like Paralysis, Muscle weakness, loss of sensation and many other. The intervention of healthcare  depends on the primary location of the disorder and also includes the primitive measures, Neurorehabilitation, Pain management and other therapy.

The active process involves awareness and also helps in making choices and helps in achieving a healthy life. This is more than being free from the illness by experiencing a state of complete Physical, Mental and Social wellbeing of an individual. The program helps people to adopt and maintain healthy behaviour and also benefits in lowering various health risks.

The Unique care of the family that provides an expanded view of how to work with the children and their family members that helps in fulfilling all their minimum basic requirements. The concern is based on the Prevalence of the family in context with the child’s life. The principle approach with respect to the family majorly depends on the Healthcare. The interventions lead to the greater satisfaction of the patient and family.

Branch of medicine involved in the medical care of infants, children and adolescents. The medical doctor specialized in Paediatrics is known as Paediatrician. They work in both the fields such as Neonatal specialists and also as a Primary care physicians. The Paediatric care enclosed in a wide range of Healthcare services extending from the small obstruction to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chronic infectious diseases in the child from the infant stage to their young adulthood.

The prime indicator of accessing the health situation of the country is reflected on the health status of the mother and child. Maternal and Child health refers to the promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative care for both mother and child. They not only constitute to a large group of society but also are vulnerable of being a special group and comprises of the 71.4% of the population of the developing countries. They are the foremost priorities of the community health programme.

The subspecialty of the internal medicine focuses mainly on the diagnosis and the management of infections. The practice of infectious disease involves many different models. The infection disease practice is either dedicated to the particular infection or involved with the general medicinal practice.

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